GOUGOUSSIS ANASTASIOS - Surgeon Urologist Grevena - Andrologists Grevena

GOUGOUSSIS ANASTASIOS - Surgeon Urologist Grevena - Andrologists Grevena

2230 Visitors:
Address: Leodos Sofou 7
Area: Grevena
Telephone: 2462022288
Mobile: 6973003227
P.C.: 54626
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Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist The urologist-andrologist surgeon "Gougousis Anastasios" has been maintaining his practice in Grevena and Kastoria for several years, offering prompt and correct service. What is a urologist: A urologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary system, women and men, and the male reproductive system. Female and male urinary system Adrenals Small glands located on top of the...
2230 Visitors:

Leodos Sofou 7, Grevena

2230 Visitors:

Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist

The urologist-andrologist surgeon "Gougousis Anastasios" has been maintaining his practice in Grevena and Kastoria for several years, offering prompt and correct service.

What is a urologist:

A urologist is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary system, women and men, and the male reproductive system.

Female and male urinary system

Adrenals Small glands located on top of the kidneys are hormone producers and regulators.

Kidneys which are the filters and regulators of fluids and electrolytes in the human body.

Ureters the tubes through which urine is carried from the kidneys to the bladder.

Bladder is a bag where urine is stored before leaving the body.

Urethra is the tube through which urine is expelled from the bladder to the external environment.

Male reproductive system

Prostate a gland that produces fluid to enrich sperm and affects sperm motility.

Testicles are two glands that produce sperm and testosterone.

Scrotum the sac that encloses and protects the testicles.

Diseases of the prostate, bladder, kidneys, ureters. Diseases of male genitalia. Prostate hyperplasia and cancer. UTIs prostatitis chronic pelvic pain. Renal lithiasis of the ureters of the bladder. Tumors of kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate and scrotum. Infertility, erectile dysfunction, ultrasound scan of kidneys, ureters, bladder, prostate, scrotum, rectal ultrasound scan of the prostate, urometry, cystoscopy.


Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist Erectile dysfunction
Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist Infertility
Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist Prostate Hyperplasia
Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist TURis
Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist Lithotripsy
Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist Endourology
Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist Oncology
Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist Incontinence control
Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist Prostate cancer
Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist Cystoscopy
Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist UTI
Gougusis Anastasios | Surgeon Urologist - Andrologist Complete urological examination
2230 Visitors:

Leodos Sofou 7

Telephone: 2462022288
Mobile: 6973003227

Working Hours
